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Terms and conditions

Last updated 06 January 2022

Please read these terms of service "gibbs" (the "Terms") carefully before using the website under the domain name:

gibbs is operated by gibbs AS, org no. 922 265 739 with registered business address in storgata 15, 1767 Halden, Norway. gibbs AS mediates all transactions through the Service and is referred to as the seller. 

    • Hereinafter, gibbs is referred to as "the Service" and gibbs AS as "gibbs", "We" and / or "us"
    • Rental object is a collective term for everything that can be rented and services that can be booked through gibbs.Your access to and use of the Service is subject to your acceptance of these terms. The terms apply to all users, visitors and others who have access to the Service. gibbs reserves the right to update and revise the Terms. Updated Terms will be available through the Service 30 days before they become effective.

      1. Account registration

      1.1 By registering an account with us, you undertake to provide us with correct and complete information, as well as to keep it updated at all times. Registration is only possible for natural persons over 18 years of age.

      1.2 gibbs reserves the right in case of suspicion of misuse of the Service or the User's non-fulfillment of the Terms, to check the User's any correspondence with other Users via the Service, as well as to terminate the User's account with immediate effect.

      2. Advertising

      2.1 All announcements through the Service shall only be made by natural and legal persons who are authorized to enter into agreements as specified in these Terms.

      2.2 Det er kun tillatt å publisere annonsere med mål om å leie ut objektet.

      2.3 Alle annonseringer gjennom Tjenesten skal være etisk korrekt. Det er ikke tillatt å publisere annonser som er støtende for enkeltpersoner og folkegrupper2.4 Utleieren er ansvarlig for at opplysningene som oppgis i annonsen er korrekte og fullstendige.2.5 gibbs forbeholder seg retten til å foreta endringer eller justeringer av annonser som gibbs anser nødvendige for å oppfylle disse Vilkårene. Slike endringer kan, men trenger ikke, kommuniseres til Brukere.

      3. Rental terms

      3.1 By publishing the advertisement, the landlord guarantees that they own or have the right to rent out the rental object.

      3.2 Landlords and Tenants are responsible for checking the validity of the respective User's identification before handing over or delivery of the rental object.

      3.3 The landlord is responsible for keeping the rental object, as well as any related equipment insured. This applies during the rental period.

      3.4 The tenant is responsible for taking good care of the rental object. As far as possible, return / be in the same condition as when it was rented out. Should the Lessee cause damage to the rental object through accident or negligence, the Lessee is liable to the Landlord for the costs incurred for the Rental Object.

      3.5 By reserving a rental object in accordance with Section 4.1 below, the Lessee agrees to the cancellation conditions stated in the respective advertisement or communicated through the inbox.

      3.6 The landlord himself chooses cancellation conditions and states this in the description of the rental object or through the dialogue on the inbox in the Service. The landlord is primarily responsible for information, rules and contracts regarding cancellations being communicated to the tenant, as well as signed.

      Rental and delivery

      4.1 En reservering av det annonserte leieobjektet oppstår når Leietaker bekrefter reservering av leieobjektet, gjennom å opprette en booking. Utleier må godkjenne eller avslå den. Deretter skal Leietaker betale leiebeløpet i samsvar med Punkt 5.1 nedenfor. En bestillingsbekreftelse sendes deretter via e-post til både Utleier og Leietaker, som inneholder informasjon om avtalen. Informasjonen i bestillingsbekreftelsen er også tilgjengelig for Brukere gjennom Tjenesten.

      4.2 If a landlord has automatic approval, you will have to pay before you can make a reservation. Then the tenant will skip the reservation step and the rental object will be available in the selected time period after payment has been completed.

      4.3 Delivery or delivery of rental objects shall take place in accordance with the Landlord's and Tenant's mutual agreement in connection with the reservation.

      5. Online Betaling

      5.1 Betalingen av leiebeløpet blir gjort i forbindelse med reserveringen via Tjenesten og håndteres via gibbs sin samarbeidspartner Nets easy ( Betaling skjer i Tjenesten med debit- eller kredittkort fra Visa, MasterCard, eller Vipps. 

      5.2 Ved betaling trekkes leiebeløpet fra det debit- eller kredittkortet som Leietaker har angitt i forbindelse med reservering i henhold til Punkt 4.1 ovenfor. gibbs beholder leiebeløpet på vegne av Leietaker og Utleier under hele leieperioden. Leiebeløpet overføres deretter til Utleierens angitte bankkonto, etter avdrag transaksjonsgebyret i henhold til Punkt 6 nedenfor, senest femten (15-30) dager etter betalingsdato.

      6. Prices

      6.1 Gibbs AS har alle priser for bookingsystemet synlig. Med en egen side med priser. Gibbs AS har rett til å endre priser ved å endre disse Vilkårene.

      7. Cancellation & complaint

      7.1 Cancellation of a reserved rental object can be made by the Tenant in accordance with the cancellation conditions set by the landlord.

      7.2 The Landlord and the Tenant have the right to cancel a reservation due to circumstances that the Landlord or the Tenant himself could not anticipate or control (force majeure).

      7.3 In case of cancellation and refund to the Tenant, 3-5% of the total amount will not be refunded, since our partner (Nets easy) takes its fee for the original payment.

      8. User responsibility

      8.1 Users undertake to use the Service in accordance with the Terms.

      8.2 The User is responsible for all information published via the Service. This involves the information when registering an account and what is published about the rental object or in another way through the Service. The user must ensure that the information is correct and that it does not contravene the terms and applicable laws.

      8.3 The User guarantees that the User has all necessary rights to content that a User creates and / or uploads to the Service.

      8.4 By uploading User Content, the User gives gibbs unlimited right to freely dispose of the User Content, for example by processing, adapting, storing or copying it and making it available to the public.

      8.5 gibbs' use of the User Content does not give rise to a claim for compensation from the User.

      8.6 Users may be held liable for any loss or damage affecting gibbs or others due to the User's breach of the Terms or applicable law or as a result of any other type of conduct.

      9. gibbs his responsibility

      9.1 gibbs works to ensure that the Service is available twenty-four (24) hours a day. however, gibbs is not responsible if all or part of the Service is unavailable at any time or for any period, for any reason.

      9.2 Access to the Service may be suspended temporarily and without notice in the event of system failure, maintenance, repair or for other reasons beyond Gibbs' control.

      9.3 The content of the Service is provided "as is" and gibbs makes no warranties regarding the content.

      9.4 gibbs will cooperate fully with all authorities and comply with all court decisions that require the disclosure of personal information or location information for anyone who has published content in violation of the Terms.

      10. Limitation of liability

      10.1 gibbs hereby disclaims, to the extent permitted by applicable law, liability for direct and indirect damages and / or losses. As well as damage caused to Users or third parties in connection with the use or challenges with the use of the Service. Regardless of how the damage occurs and regardless of whether the damage is caused by negligence, breach of contract, or other cause.

      10.2 Limitation of Liability (in this section) does not change or limit a User's rights as a consumer and does not exclude or limit liability to the extent not permitted by applicable law.

      11. Termination of account

      11.1 gibbs has the right, at its own discretion and without notice, to restrict a User's access to the Service and / or to refuse all correspondence with a User in the event:

    • There is a regulatory change that limits gibbs' ability to offer access to the Service
    • Any incident beyond gibbs' control that prevents gibbs from providing access to the Service including, but not limited to, technical issues, capacity issues and communication issues
    • gibbs believes that a User is abusing the Service or otherwise acting in violation of the Terms.
    • gibbs has the right to remove information the User enters into the Service, in order to fulfill its obligations in accordance with legislation.

      12. Personal information

      12.1 Use of the Service involves the processing of personal data for various purposes. gibbs is responsible for the processing of all personal data that gibbs, or others on behalf of gibbs, performs within the framework of the Service. Personal information is information that can be directly or indirectly linked to a person, such as name and address.

      12.2 By accepting the Terms, the Users agree that gibbs treats

      (i) Contact information such as name, e-mail, telephone number and address (ii) Payment information such as debit or credit card or bank account for payment, (iii) Geographical position as coordinates, (iv) Detailed order history including receipt and times, (v) IP address (vi) User information entered in advertisements.

      13. Intellectual Property Rights

      Unless otherwise stated in these Terms or in the Service, gibbs AS, or gibbs's licensor owns all intellectual and other rights, including copyright and trademark rights. Users may not, without gibbs' written consent, distribute, display or copy the User Content in the Service.

      14. Other

      14.1 If any provision of these Terms is deemed to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable for any other reason, this provision shall be deemed omitted and shall not affect the validity or enforcement of any of the remaining provisions of the Terms.

      14.2 These Terms constitute the entire agreement between gibbs and User regarding the use of the Service (gibbs) and supersede all prior agreements and representations in this regard.

      14.3 These Terms have been prepared and shall be interpreted in accordance with Norwegian law.

      If you have any questions regarding these terms or anything else you can contact us at